Web Technology Solutions ARCHIVE

Recently my tech team at L.N. Curtis & sons completely redesigned the corporate e-commerce site – www.lncurtis.com: LNCurtis.com is the premier provider of fire fighter, police supply, tactical gear, emergency response equipment, and wildland fire fighting equipment since 1929. For…

A domain backlink links to your site’s domain (e.g. www.acme.com) and a page backlink links directly to a specific page within the domain, like a product or article page. Martin Spiek Chief Search Officer of DEP Labs gives a…

Upon taking up my new post as Director of Technology with L.N. Curtis & sons in March of 2010, one of my mandates was to debug a 2.5 year e-commerce project that had stalled. This was a vital project…

A knowledge based site would be any site that provided knowledge rather than primarily selling products or providing entertainment. This is a wide classification and encompasses media, content, reference, research or any site that communicates knowledge on specific subjects…

In my previous post, Navigator Product Launch, I detailed the project scope and features of the new Navigators from a high level. This post will detail the technical alchemy used to pull the whole system together. The new Navigators…

eRepublic’s Navigator products have now been completely re-designed and re-developed from the ground-up on cutting edge technology and successfully launched to a user base of 6,300+ users. Both Navigators are SaaS products – Software-as-a-Service and require a paid subscription…

The newly designed and updated Center for Digital Education website was launched today by the eRepublic technology team – www.centerdigitaled.com: Centerdigitaled.com provides a sales and marketing web presence for the Center for Digital Education – a premier resource on…

During my tenure at eRepublic, my tech team and I have dramatically upgraded the company’s web presence across all 8 corporate websites including two SaaS products. Web revenue and lead generation are helping to drive the company’s expansion. As…

A new website dedicated to Emergency Management was launched today by eRepublic – www.emergencymgmt.com: The entire project completed from start to finish in less than four months with all design and development done in-house. This is the third site…

Our Web Content Management SaaS provider – Clickability – has won the best WCM CODiE award from SIIA for the last two years running. The decision to adopt Clickability was made based on the strength of their platform for…