Real-World Information Technology Blog

Introducing new technology within any organization faces adoption challenges from the user community for a variety of reasons but a major barrier can be just the learning process of how to use the new technology without disrupting or destroying…

A domain backlink links to your site’s domain (e.g. and a page backlink links directly to a specific page within the domain, like a product or article page. Martin Spiek Chief Search Officer of DEP Labs gives a…

At the beginning of every new year I review the past year’s triumphs and hurdles to not only correctly acknowledge what was accomplished but to layout the IT strategic plan for the new year. One of the key reasons…

Upon taking up my new post as Director of Technology with L.N. Curtis & sons in March of 2010, one of my mandates was to debug a 2.5 year e-commerce project that had stalled. This was a vital project…

In taking up the reins of my new technology directorship at L.N. Curtis & sons, I was confronted with the fact that the IT Dept had absolutely no ticketing system for over 160 users spread across 10 offices. Requests…

The newly designed and updated Governing website was launched recently by my technology team at eRepublic – connects America’s leaders by providing intelligence and analysis on management, policy and politics to help guide and inspire innovative leaders…

A knowledge based site would be any site that provided knowledge rather than primarily selling products or providing entertainment. This is a wide classification and encompasses media, content, reference, research or any site that communicates knowledge on specific subjects…

The last day of the year has dawned and I was struck by a fundamental question as an IT executive: “What makes some IT teams really excel and succeed where others fail?” This thought came to me as I…

In my previous post, Navigator Product Launch, I detailed the project scope and features of the new Navigators from a high level. This post will detail the technical alchemy used to pull the whole system together. The new Navigators…

eRepublic’s Navigator products have now been completely re-designed and re-developed from the ground-up on cutting edge technology and successfully launched to a user base of 6,300+ users. Both Navigators are SaaS products – Software-as-a-Service and require a paid subscription…